The Joseph Handleman I Believe in You Foundation invests in the livelihoods, creativity, and health of all beings to promote resilience, opportunity, and a more compassionate world.

Issue Areas

  • Supporting Indigenous populations and other marginalized communities

  • Protecting animals

  • Cultivating artists and storytellers

  • Improving health & wellbeing

  • Multi-cultural bridge-building

Our founder, Joe Handleman, was born into extreme poverty in 1905, eventually becoming a leading pioneer in merchandising and marketing throughout the western world.

Permit me to share with you the story, however incomplete and poorly described, of my treasured father.

- Joyce Mueller, his loving and adoring daughter

About the Founder

Joe Handleman was the very definition of compassion and courage, humility and hope, gentleness and generosity! He always remained so grateful that his imagination and hard work was accompanied by sweet fortune.

My papa was the greatest of professors. Via his noble teaching, one example I learned is that money is a tool; a tool with which to do good and that a “problem” becomes a wonderful opportunity depending on how you look at it. I learned that tenacity of purpose can enable you to reach your star and that character is what you are when no one is looking.

My father’s incredible virtue, vision, and vitality built bridges upon bridges, upon bridges of love.

I truly believe my papa’s preciousness will forever continue to light up the world and in his beautiful light we will all remember [how] to love.

Thank you Papa for making my journey, through life, so special!

In loving memory of Joe Handleman